Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has long been perceived as a condition where individuals maintain insight, implying an awareness of their mental illness. However, recent research has illuminated a different perspective. Several studies have hinted at a connection between poor insight and various facets of OCD, including symptom severity, treatment outcomes, early onset, chronicity, and extended illness duration.

Insight, within the context of OCD, refers to the capacity to recognize the excessiveness or irrationality of one’s symptoms. It’s crucial to understand that insight isn’t a straightforward binary classification (good or poor); instead, it exists along a spectrum. Furthermore, poor insight is believed to have associations with neuropsychological deficits, particularly concerning memory and metacognition, which encompasses one’s awareness and reflective ability regarding their thought processes.

Evidence suggests that poor insight may be linked to struggles in conflict resolution, response inhibition (the inability to halt an automatic response), and verbal memory. For instance, it’s not uncommon for individuals with OCD to experience deficiencies in visual memory.

Furthermore, these neuropsychological aspects are central in the understanding of how poor insight can perpetuate the disorder. A deficit in conflict resolution means individuals might struggle to inhibit or rectify pre-existing entrenched beliefs, a factor that contributes to the persistence and duration of the illness. This issue is exacerbated by difficulties in memory integration or retrieval, which hinder the replacement of irrational beliefs with more rational ones.


Kashyap, H., Kumar, J. K., Kandavel, T., & Reddy, Y. C. (2012). Neuropsychological correlates of insight in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 126(2), 106-114. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.2012.01845.x

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