Anticipation of threat, a central element in the experience of worry, triggers either the “fight or flight” response or the freezing reaction. This intricate interplay of defense mechanisms is crucial in understanding how chronic worry affects the body.

The prolonged nature of worry leads to a persistent release of stress hormones within the body. This continuous influx of stress hormones poses a potential risk for both physical and mental well-being. High worriers, in particular, have been shown to exhibit elevated heart rates and reduced heart-rate variability.

Heart Rate Patterns in Defense Reactions

During defense reactions, a distinct heart rate pattern emerges within a short timeframe after a stimulus is introduced. For example, exposure to unpleasant and fearful stimuli elicits a specific sequence of heart rate accelerations and decelerations. This pattern is notably different in chronic worriers compared to low worriers.

Reduced RSA and its Implications

Reduced Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) serves as a key indicator of the internal state of worry. Chronic worriers, characterized by decreased RSA, demonstrate a heart rate pattern suggesting constant acceleration, implying a persistent state of heightened alertness. This pattern is even observable at rest, indicating that worry may begin before any external stressors are introduced.

Comparisons between individuals with general anxiety reactions and those with focal fears (e.g., phobias) reveal distinct heart rate patterns. High chronic worriers and individuals with general anxiety share a similar pattern, highlighting the specificity of these physiological responses to different anxiety-related conditions.

In summary, the physiological manifestations of chronic worry encompass intricate defense reactions and distinctive heart rate patterns. Understanding these patterns provides valuable insights into the impact of worry on both short-term stress responses and long-term well-being.


Delgado LC, Guerra P, Perakakis P, Mata JL, Pérez MN, Vila J. Psychophysiological correlates of chronic worry: cued versus non-cued fear reaction. Int J Psychophysiol. 2009 Dec;74(3):280-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2009.10.007. Epub 2009 Oct 9. PMID: 19819267.

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