Greet your schoolmates or whoever student you know is in your class. Say, “Hi” or “How are you?” the first time you see them during the day

start a conversation

  1. Talk about the PRESENT moment.

“What are you… doing…talking about…eating… reading?” “What do you think about…class…professor…lesson? How do you like… lunch…project… game?” “I like your… shirt… hat… sneakers…, where did you get it?”


  1. Talk about the PAST.

“How was your… break… week… weekend… vacation?” “Did you like…movie…tv show…a sports game?” “Did you hear about…what happened in the news… a new TV show… a sports game…a celebrity?”


Random questions to start a conversation:
How old are you? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have any pets?What do you like to do for fun? Do you play any sports? When is your birthday?What grade are you in? Do you play any musical instruments? What school do you go to? What is your favorite food? What is your favorite school class? What is your least favorite class? What do you like to do on the weekends? What is your favorite movie, TV show? Do you like to play video games? What music do you like to listen to? Who is your favorite actor/actress/celebrity?


  1. Turn the conversation toward THEIR INTERESTS.

“What is your favorite…sport…game…activity?” “Have you been doing… a favorite activity… playing a favorite game… watching a favorite TV show… working on a personal project… lately?”

  1. Remember to ask FOLLOW-UP questions and be sure to make comments about whatever is being talked about.

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