Test anxiety is a pervasive issue affecting students, influencing their cognitive and emotional responses during examination periods. Akram and Mahmood (2010) characterize test anxiety as a form of self-preoccupation linked to low self-esteem, resulting in negative cognitive evaluations, lack of concentration, unpleasant physiological reactions, and ultimately, reduced proficiency in test performance.

Factors Contributing to Test Anxiety

Unlike other forms of anxiety, test anxiety is multifaceted, influenced by various factors such as the complexity of syllabuses, test items, test frequencies, students’ behaviors, and the educational discipline itself. These factors do not exert the same impact across different educational environments, making it a challenging phenomenon to generalize. Consequently, research findings on the relationship between test anxiety and academic performance are not always consistent, with varying results across studies.

One key aspect highlighted by Akram and Mahmood (2010) is the interference caused by test anxiety through intrusive thoughts unrelated to the test at hand. These intrusive thoughts act as cognitive distractions, diverting the student’s focus away from the examination material. This hindrance to concentration poses a significant challenge to students aiming to perform at their best during tests.

For example, students experiencing test anxiety may engage in self-doubt, questioning their abilities and competence. These negative self-assessments can contribute to a self-fulfilling prophecy, adversely affecting academic performance. In addition, test anxiety often triggers physiological responses such as increased heart rate, sweating, and muscle tension. These reactions can further escalate anxiety levels, creating a cycle of heightened stress during exams. Finally, the intrusive thoughts associated with test anxiety make it challenging for students to maintain focus on the exam questions. As a result, they may overlook crucial details or struggle to recall learned information, impacting overall test performance.

While some studies may not consistently show a direct relationship between test anxiety and academic performance, Akram and Mahmood’s (2010) findings align with research indicating that, when a relationship is observed, test anxiety is consistently associated with lower academic achievement. This highlights the importance of recognizing the individualized nature of test anxiety and its differential impact across diverse educational contexts.


Akram, Rizwan & Mahmood, Nasir. (2010). The Relationship between Test Anxiety and Academic Achievement. Bull. Educ. Res.. 32. 

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